The 2025 Vendor Kit will be ready in Summer 2025.
We will post information as it is available.
Thank you!

Dear Vendors,

This Vendor Kit has been created by your show team to help our vendors have a great show! Please review the vendor kit below and let us know if you have any questions as you prepare. 

The kit is easy to navigate. Click on the table of contents or icons below to navigate to the corresponding information.

We look forward to a great show this year! 



       Stephanie Davisson              Hannah Lewis               Jennifer Smetana
     Exhibit Sales Consultant       Operations Manager             Show Manager


As per our privacy policy, Marketplace Events is a permission-based email sender. We do not share, rent, or sell any email lists. 



2025 General Information


VIP Day WednesdayNovember 5, 20259:00 am - 4:00 pm
ThursdayNovember 6, 20259:00 am - 7:00 pm
FridayNovember 7, 20259:00 am - 7:00 pm
SaturdayNovember 8, 20259:00 am - 7:00 pm
SundayNovember 9, 202511:00 am - 5:00 pm

Please Note: Show hours above reflect Advanced Early Bird times. 


During move-in, show hours, and move-out, Show Management will maintain a Show Office at The BJCC in the North Hall.


A Vendor badge will be required to enter the show floor. All loading dock roll-up doors will be closed during all show hours. If you need to restock your booth with supplies, please do it two hours before the show opens. Security is permitted to stop any Vendor from entering or exiting through the side entrances or loading dock doors. There is no smoking allowed inside the building. On show days, Vendors can enter the building at 7 am (Wed-Sat) and 9 am (Sun) with a Vendor Badge to restock.  



All payments must be paid online using dedicated payment links. 

Vendors who have signed up for a payment must pay in full by October 15, 2025. Show Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any Vendor whose account has not been settled and paid in full. Multiple failed payments or delinquent accounts are subject to cancellation. 


If you have signed and authorized Marketplace Events to automatically charge your card on your original contract, please make sure funds are available in the proper time frame. If you have any questions regarding payment processes, please contact Hannah Lewis,

Facility & Utility Ordering and Information

Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services provides The BJCC's facility services.

Plumbing & Electrical - Conveniently order your plumbing and electrical online by CLICKING HERE, or by filling out a form (LINK and FORM are COMING SOON!). Once filled out please email the completed form to For more information on ordering online and Terms & Conditions, please click hereIf you have questions, please call Edlen Electrical at (205) 458-8898.

If you intend to power equipment via a battery, please note that restrictions apply. Any device that is not UL listed, is not self-contained, can accept a 2 or more pronged plug and/or is intended to power anything than larger than a small electronic device, such as a tablet or cell phone, is not allowed on the show floor. For more information, please click here.


**PLEASE NOTE the deadline to receive advance pricing is COMING SOON!**



Storage is available in select locations in increments of 5' x 10' space. A maximum of 4 spaces can be purchased by each vendor. The area is not closed off and is simply taped-off spaces, so please note you will need to bring your own supplies to cover your storage area if preferred. Storage can be purchased through the Show Office on-site beginning Tuesday, November 4th at 7:00 am. Only credit/debit cards will be accepted. No cash or checks will be accepted as a form of payment. Storage is available on a first-come, first-serve basis, and very limited spaces are available.  Each space is $20 for the duration of the the show

Please note: If you arrive at 7 AM for storage, your drive on access to move-in will not be changed. 


Ethernet connection, hardwires, and phone services are available through The BJCC. Here is some more information:

  • Weekly ethernet service can be purchased at a rate of $450.00 for the whole show
  • You may upgrade the quality of your connection
  • **Customer provided equipment such as switches, routers, access points and other network devices may not be connected to the BJCC network without prior discussion and approval of the BJCC. Connecting customer provided equipment without prior arrangements will result in your network drop being disabled and will require a BJCC representative reset your port. The BJCC will not be responsible for downtime during your event as a result of connecting unauthorized equipment.**
  • The BJCC requires all customers showcasing their wireless products to contact the BJCC 21 days prior to the show move-in so that we may engineer a cohesive network operating without interference (all approvals will incur a site survey fee). DEADLINE TO ORDER ETHERNET AND PHONE SERVICES: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2025

COMING SOON! Click HERE for The BJCC Hardwire Internet & Phone Service Order Form.


If you have requirements for your event that are not listed, or have questions regarding the information in this section, please call (205) 458-8737 or e-mail The BJCC's Information Technology Department.


WiFi can be purchased daily through the network at the facility. Here are a few tips:

  • Purchase the WiFi on the device you plan to access internet using. WiFi access is only valid on a single device and may not be transferred
  • Each WiFi access pass is only valid for 24 hours
  • Pricing:
    • Daily Standard Wifi (25 MB): $14.95/day
    • Daily Enhanced Wifi (50 MB): $24.95/day

Click HERE for The BJCC self-purchase WiFi Instructions.




VEAL Convention Services is the Show Decorator.

COMING SOON! Conveniently order your 2025 Decorator Service online by clicking HERE.


COMING SOON! 2025 Decorator Services Order Form - Click here to download the order form for items such as flooring/carpet, furniture, freight/shipping, signage and other booth decor items.** Please email the completed form to to place your order. For any questions, please contact (800) 844-8325 or (205) 328-1010.


**Order by xxxx for advance freight cutoff and advance discount pricing.


COMING SOON! Click HERE for more information from the show decorator for the shipping and receiving  
Please note: All shipments will incur shipping and labor charges (no exceptions). Courtesy labels included in the link above.

ADVANCE WAREHOUSE SHIPPING - All shipments must be pre-paid. Collect shipments will not be accepted.
Shipments must arrive before Wednesday, October 29, 2025.
Advance Warehouse receiving hours are Monday - Friday 9am to 3pm.

TO: (Name of Exhibitor & Booth Number)
C/O Veal Convention Services, Inc. for Christmas Village 2025
3016 Reverend Abraham Woods Jr Blvd.
Birmingham, AL 35203


DIRECT SHIPMENTS - Must arrive no earlier than Tuesday, November 4. Show site receiving hours: 9am - 3pm.

TO: (Name of Exhibitor & Booth Number)
C/O Veal Convention Services, Inc. for Christmas Village 2025
BJCC: 2100 Richard Arrington Blvd
Birmingham, AL. 35203

For more information shipping to/from the show, contact Veal Convention Services at 1-800-844- 8325.


Please click on the following images to view, download, or print the 2025 Cottontails Village Move-In Map.

  2. Find your booth number on the map and note the color of your booth. 
  3. Locate the Drive in the times listed in the upper corner. 
  4. Match the color of your booth to the color of the drive-in times listed 
  5. Based on your booth location, determine whether you are moving in through: 



  • Vendor's specific time for drive-in access to the building to unload is listed on the move-in schedule and map above.  
  • This time is for UNLOADING. It is a short window, so plan accordingly.
  • If Vendors arrive to set up before your assigned time, your booth will not be ready.
  • Vendors are not permitted to drive in outside of their designated move-in times.  
  • If you arrive after Vendor drive-in time you will have to dolly into the convention center from the parking area.
  • Only Vendors with booth assignments in the first move-in time (PINK) may come on Monday, 11/3 between 3pm-7pm to unload early.


Please Note: If you are assigned a 7:00am drive-in time on Tuesday, Nov. 4th, you may unload on Monday afternoon, Nov. 3, between 3:00pm and 7:00pm. We offer this time as a courtesy so please plan to UNLOAD ONLY. You may return to set-up on Tuesday. There is no need to call our office if you would like to unload on Monday after 3pm.


This is the same whether you are driving on or rolling in a cart

At this desk, we will provide a welcome packet that includes the following items: 

NOTE: You must visit the registration desk at your dock (NOT the show office) PRIOR to pulling into the hall, so that you have your drive-in pass when it is your turn to pull into the hall for unloading.  

You have two parking options for your car/trailer to complete this step: 

  • Option 2: Proceed to park your vehicle in the designated line for your assigned move-in dock. Reminder: if you choose this option, you must keep a team member with your vehicle. 


Once it is your turn to pull into the hall to unload: 

  • A team member will help direct you to your booth and assist with getting you a spot to unload on the floor close to your booth space.  
  • You will have 20 minutes to unload your vehicle and will need to then pull it out of the hall and park it, so that other vendors can pull onto the floor. 
  • If you need assistance with unloading, volunteers from Alabama Teen Challenge will be available to help you unload. (Cash tips are appreciated for their assistance. See more information on this feature below.) 

Please note: Vendors are responsible for bringing their equipment, such as wagons, dollies, and carts, to manage heavy or large items.  


Stop by the show office in the North Hall for the following items: 

  • Rent storage space (limited space available and available on a first come, first served basis). 
  • Pick up pre-purchased weekly car and trailer passes for the Marshalling Yard. 
  • Purchase daily car and trailer passes for the Marshalling Yard (first come, first serve basis.  Limited availability).
  • Purchase additional vendor badges. 

PLEASE NOTE: If you ask for a welcome packet at the show office, you will be directed to your assigned hall’s registration desk by the dock entrance.  



The Christmas Village Festival is pleased to collaborate with Alabama Teen Challenge to provide support during the move-in and move-out phases. Their team will assist in transporting item from vehicles at the loading dock to your booth space.

Please be aware of the following guidelines regarding their assistance:

  • Scope of Assistance: Alabama Teen Challenge volunteers are available solely for transporting items between the loading dock or your vehicle on the show floor to your booth. They are not available to volunteer or be hired for any services, such as setup, booth supervision, or teardown services before, during, or after the event.
  • Vendor Responsibilities: Vendors must bring their own equipment, such as wagons, dollies, and carts, to manage heavy or large items.
  • Service Availability: Assistance is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Given the limited availability, we advise you to plan accordingly and arrange for additional support as needed.
  • Gratuities: Cash tips for their assistance are greatly appreciated.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our Show Team.


Sunday, November 9th

5:01pm -11:00pm


Dismantling your booth prior to show close at 5:00pm on Sunday is strictly prohibited.


Reminder! Expect to wait in your vehicle while waiting for drive-in access. We will allow vendors to drive in as space permits, starting with the vendors closest to the dock. Please be patient with our move-out team; the goal is to get everyone moved out safely and efficiently.


All belongings must be removed from the facility BEFORE 11:00pm on 11/9.

Please note: Any materials left in the facility by the vendor will be removed at the vendor's expense.

2025 FOOD & BEVERAGE POLICY - All food vendors must read

All food exhibitors must meet the operating codes of the Jefferson County Department of Health. Compliance with the Health Department must be completed prior to the opening of the show. If you are giving food samples, selling refrigerated food products, or immediately consumable products from your booth, you are required to complete the Birmingham County Temporary Food Service Questionnaire and Guidelines. Please see below for more details on the different types of Vendors and forms.

In addition to the regulations enforced by the Jefferson County Department of Health, there are also other departments who should be contacted when hosting a Temporary Event (see list below):

  • Fire Department at (205) 250-7517 (if cooking food)
  • City of Birmingham Revenue Department at (205) 245-2497 (if event is within the City of Birmingham)
  • Jefferson County Revenue Department at (205) 731-2945  (if event is in Jefferson County)

What is a temporary food establishment?

A temporary food establishment is a food service facility that operates at a fixed location for not more than 14 consecutive days in conjunction with a single community-wide event or celebration. Temporary food events include: fairs, carnivals, circuses, festivals, cook-offs, or gatherings that are advertised to the public and require ticket sales or cover charges. Temporary food events are not: regularly scheduled series of events (flea markets); private gathering (weddings or birthday parties); or ongoing commercial activities (grand openings or sales at retail stores).


Temporary Event Vendor and Sampler Requirements:

1. No JCDH Requirements- Vendor will not provide samples. The product sold is commercially prepackaged and does not require refrigeration for safety (e.g., dry spices or candy apples).

No Further Action Required.

Please return the completed Sampler’s Questionnaire at least 14 days prior to the event via email or to the address listed below.


3. Temporary Food Permit- Whether samples are provided or not, a temporary food permit is required if: (1) The product being sold requires refrigeration for safety (e.g., cheesecake, cheese, or sausage) and/or (2) the product being sold will be packaged on-site (e.g. nuts roasted on-site; candy apples cut on site, desserts sliced and  packaged upon customer’s request).

Additional Notes:

  • All foods sold must be prepared in a permitted or approved establishment. Cottage Food registrants may participate in temporary events if they remain in compliance with the Cottage Food Law (SB160).
  • Please be aware that only vendors listed on the Organizer Application can sell food and beverages at this event before the required deadlines.
  • All food/beverage vendors must follow basic food safety guidelines during these events (see attached reference material).


Click on the form name you wish to view in a separate tab.

Temporary Food Establishment - Requirements
Temporary Food Establishment - FAQs
Temporary Food Establishment - Food Safety Guidelines Brochure
Temporary Food Service - Sampler Questionnaire & Guidelines
Temporary Food Service - Vendor Application
Temporary Food Service - Vendor Checklist

For any and all questions, please contact: 

Jefferson County Department of Health
Food and Lodging Protection Division

Jefferson County Department of Health
Food & Lodging Protection Division
1400 6th Ave South
Birmingham, AL 35233



Parking is available at various lots and garages around the convention complex. With the purchase of a Vendor Parking Pass from the Christmas Village, vehicles may be parked DURING or AFTER your move-in time, on Monday, November 3rd in the Marshalling Yard (located at the top of the map) 
Click HERE for parking map (please note this route for driving to each load in dock may change based upon Downtown events.

Parking Passes are available on a first-come, first-served basis.  Pre-ordered parking passes will open in Summer 2025. 
CHECK BACK SOON to order your weekly parking pass order form in advance.



Pricing for parking in The Marshalling Yard is as follows:

  • Daily Vehicle (Car/SUV) pass: $12/day
  • Weekly Vehicle (Car/SUV)  pass: $50/week
  • Daily Trailer or Box Truck pass: $20/day
  • Weekly Trailer or Box Truck pass: $65/week




  • Car & trailer passes can be purchased in advance of the show by completing an online form (LINK to online pass request form will be available in Summer 2025).
  • After we confirm availability you will receiving a link to pay your balance online for the parking pass. Any passes not paid for within a week will be forfeited and a new request must be submitted.  
  • WEEKLY passes will be sent via email and must be printed at home prior to your arrival at The Marshalling Yard.
  • Any passes not paid for by 10/24 can be purchased at the Show Office in the North Hall.
  • ALL passes must be PRINTED and DISPLAYED PRIOR to arriving at The Marshalling Yard

Please Note: By completing the weekly pass order form, it does not guarantee you a weekly space. Only upon payment is your reservation complete for the requested weekly parking. 

Weekly passes can also be purchased on-site at the show office. Weekly passes purchased on-site will need to be paid for and picked up from the show office prior to arriving at The Marshalling Yard. Only debit/credit cards will be accepted. No cash or check will be accepted as payment. Weekly passes have limited availability and may sell out prior to the show.  



DAILY PASSES can be purchased at the Show Office only. Daily passes are available for November 3rd - 9th.
*We strongly recommend purchasing a daily pass for Saturday as there may be a UAB game. This will be the cheapest parking available to vendors as area lots will have event parking rates for the game.


Only debit/credit cards will be accepted. No cash or checks will be accepted as payment.

PASSES only available for purchase with debit/credit cards. No cash or checks will be accepted as payment.

***Please note that ALL passes must be purchased, PRINTED, or PICKED UP, PRIOR to arriving at The Marshalling Yard.***



  • Monday, November 3rd: 3:30 PM - 8:00 PM (Parking should be used only AFTER their drive-in/ set-up time)
  • Tuesday, November 4th: 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday, November 5th: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday, November 6th: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Friday, November 7th: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Saturday, November 8th: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Sunday, November 9th: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

**Gates lock/unlock at times listed above.  Parking will open two hours prior to show start and close one hour after show close. Those with weekly parking passes may leave their vehicle and/or trailer in the lot overnight, HOWEVER please know that you will not be able to access your vehicle or trailer overnight. The lot will be locked, so you will have to wait until the next morning when the lot reopens. Marketplace Events and The BJCC do not assume liability for vehicles or trailers parked overnight.**


Please Note: Vendors may only park in the Marshalling yard AFTER their Move-In. If picking up your parking pass causes you to miss your move-in time scheduled at your dock location, you will have to dolly into the convention center from the parking area or wait till a time opens.  


The BJCC Marshalling Yard is located at:

The BJCC Marshalling Yard
1301 F. L. Shuttlesworth Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35203



2025 Parking Map Image - Location for BJCC Marshalling Yard


Rare Transportation provides the shuttle services during the show.

For your convenience, a free shuttle is provided between The BJCC Marshalling Yard and The BJCC on show days. This service will make continual runs between The Marshalling Yard and Docks 2 & 4 of The BJCC throughout the show day. The shuttle will begin running two hours prior to show start and remain open until one hour after show close. If you need to be picked up at The BJCC and taken to The Marshalling Yard to retrieve items from your vehicle, restock, etc., please contact the shuttle driver for that specific day**. 


**Please note: This service is only available to those who park in The BJCC Marshalling Yard on show days (Wednesday-Sunday). Also, please keep in mind that the shuttle driver will change throughout show week and will provide their number for pickup on a daily basis. The shuttle will NOT run on either move-in days, Monday, November 3rdth or Tuesday, November 4th.



  • Wednesday, November 5th: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday, November 6th: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Friday, November 7th: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Saturday, November 8th: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Sunday, November 9th: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Please Note: The shuttle route will change on Saturday, November 8th, 2025 due to the UAB game at Protective Stadium. Transportation and parking may take longer than usual on this day. Please plan accordingly.

Booth Guidelines

Booth Expectations - Holiday Decorations

Please don’t forget company is coming! This is Christmas event, and we ask you to plan your space accordingly with holiday décor. We ask that everyone decorate their space to include décor, lights, trees, etc. We know from other shows that those booths that are decorated do better! The shoppers are feeling festive!



Flooring is not included in the cost of your exhibit booth. While flooring is not required this year in the booth it is strongly encouraged for you and your customer's comfort. Please ensure any flooring is some type of clean, professional-looking floor covering that covers 100% of the booth’s square footage. All edges must be secured. You may bring your own or rent from the show decorator, VEAL. You can also consider interlocking foam tiles as a neat, but inexpensive flooring option.


Table Skirting

It is mandatory that all tables are properly skirted. Skirting must go from the edge of the table to the floor on all four sides. All skirting must be pressed and neat. Use of plastic tablecloths, sheets, shower curtains or any type of “makeshift” tablecloths is not permitted. We strictly enforce this and will skirt all incorrectly skirted tables at the Vendor’s expense.

All inventory and personal items must be stored COMPLETELY OUT OF SIGHT. Your booth should look professional and inviting to the attendee. General Exposition Services is available to rent tables that will be properly skirted if needed for an additional charge. Limited storage options are available.


Pipe & Drape

A 10x10 booth has an eight-foot-tall pipe frame with black curtains in the back of the booth only. No side drape or separation between vendors. 



We encourage you to bring your own tasteful signage for the booth/company.
Signs cannot be attached to facility walls or pillars. You may use S hooks to the pipe and drape.


Booth Staffing

All Vendors are expected to be in their booths during all published show hours, as we do receive consumer complaints about un-manned displays. Our visitors pay an entrance fee and expect to be able to do business with our vendors at any time during show hours. 

Booth sitters: A complimentary service for limited short planned breaks on a sign-up basis.

  • We will have 1 booth sitter upstairs and 1 booth sitter downstairs. 
  • Booth sitter's availability begins 2 hours after the show opens in only 20-minute increments.  This service ends 1 hour before the show closes. 
  • Sign-up sheet is located in the show office.   


Vehicles In Booth

Vehicles are not allowed on the show floor during the show.  They are not permissible to be used as part of your booth display



Security is provided by The BJCC. A guard is roaming 24 hours guard during the show. While precaution will be taken to protect Vendors’ property, Show Management assumes no responsibility for any losses due to fire, theft, robbery, damage, accident, or other causes.   

Please take the following suggestions under advisement: 

➢ Do not leave your booth unattended during set-up, show, or move-out.
➢ Do not leave small items, electronics, one-of-a-kind special samples, prototypes, or extremely valuable merchandise in your booth overnight.


Code of Conduct

At the Christmas Village Festival, we are committed to fostering a safe and respectful environment for all participants, including our valued vendors, show guests, volunteers, and staff. As such, we expect our vendors to adhere to the following guidelines to ensure a positive experience for all participants:

  • Profanity: Use of offensive language or inappropriate/hateful remarks.
  • Substance Use: Consumption of alcohol or drugs.
  • Inappropriate dress: Attire that is deemed unprofessional or offensive.

The purpose of these guidelines is to create an atmosphere of respect and support, essential for the well-being of all involved. Unprofessional conduct not only undermines the event's environment but also risks the well-being of our volunteers, staff, and show guests.

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these standard and contributing to a successful and enjoyable show for all. Should you have any questions or need further clarification on these policies, please contact our event support team.

Rules & Regulations

MERCHANDISE PLACEMENT - New From the Fire Marshal

The Fire Marshall will not approve any booth that goes over the rented space. This means not even a button can be over the line. If your wall touches the line and you hang an item on the wall, it will NOT be approved.
If you have participated in the show for many years this is a change. The inspection is at random. If the vendor is not present during the inspection and the product is in the aisle, it will be moved at the vendor's risk and expense. Any vendor that continues to cross their booth line with product will not be invited back the following year or required to move out immediately.  



Click HERE for more information on Marketplace Events Merchandise Policies.


MPE Exhibit/Product Acceptability Standards For 2024 (USA)

As we enter a highly volatile political environment in advance of the 2024 General Election, Marketplace Events (MPE) wants to make clear its position on what content will not be permitted on its exhibit floors in all its US consumer home and holiday shows effective January 1, 2024. MPE shows are welcoming environments built solely to encourage face-to-face commerce. Creating respectful, safe marketplaces where our attendees and exhibitors can come together to learn, shop, compare pricing and do business together is our highest priority.

MPE’s acceptability standards do not permit political candidates, parties or other groups promoting issues or ballot initiatives to participate as exhibitors. In addition, the display or sale of any products or services that are political/partisan in nature or that can be interpreted to promote, incite, or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual, or religious intolerance are prohibited. MPE’s judgment in applying these standards will be final.

MPE maintains these policies to ensure a welcoming environment for all attendees and exhibitors.  



Displays, demonstrations or distribution of samples, souvenirs, promotional material and soliciting of business must be confined to the vendor’s booth space. Such activities are not permitted in any other part of the show such as the aisles, lobby, entrance areas, hallways, or other exhibits. It is against show policy for any vendor or vendor representative to sit, stand, hand out samples, literature, obtain leads, etc. in the aisles of the show, in restrooms, in concession areas, or outside the doors of the venue.

Sponsorship opportunities may provide limited exceptions. If you’d like to discuss promotional opportunities, please contact Jennifer Smetana,



Each vendor is responsible for obtaining all necessary licenses and permits to use photographs or other copyrighted and trademarked material in vendor’s booth or display. No vendor will be permitted to use any copyrighted/trademarked material, such as photographs, collegiate logos or other artistic works, without first presenting to Marketplace Events proof that the vendor has, or does not need, a license to use such copyrighted/trademarked material. Marketplace Events reserves the right to remove from the exhibit all or any part of any booth or display which incorporates copyrighted and/or trademarked material and for which the Vendor fails to produce proof that the Vendor holds all required licenses. The Vendor shall remain liable for all claims, causes of action, suits, damages, liability, expenses, and costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from or out of any violation of infringement (or claimed violation or infringement) by Vendor, Vendor's age or employees of any patent, copyright or trade secret rights or privileges.



The Birmingham Fire and Rescue Departments require the following regulations be observed at all times throughout the Complex:

  • Flammable decorations or flammable decorative materials are prohibited.
  • All draperies, drops, curtains, and table coverings used are to be noncombustible, inherently flame resistant, or treated and maintained fire resistant.
  • The Fire Marshall may require proof that the materials used are fire resistant or have been treated to be fire resistant.
  • Open flame, candles, torches, etc. are prohibited.
  • No covered structures, such as tents, roofs, or overhead coverings, are allowed on any display in a building equipped with fire sprinklers without prior approval of the Fire Marshall.
  • All utility panels, fire hose cabinets, standpipes, fire extinguishers and fire alarms must remain visible and accessible at all times.
  • Drapes, decorations, buntings, and other decorative materials must be fire retardant and/or properly treated to meet the requirements of flameproofing.
  • Cotton batting (whether natural, artificial or manufactured) straw, dry vines, leaves, hay, pine needles and sawdust are prohibited unless treated to be fire retardant. The use of cut trees, such as Christmas trees, must have prior approval of the Fire Marshal
  • Flammable liquids of any sort are prohibited in public buildings
  • Five-pound bottles of L.P. gas may be used for demonstration purposes only if approved by the Fire Marshall.
  • Cooking Displays: Displays involving cooking with a pan or deep-frying must have a 2A-10BC rated fire extinguisher in the booth. No L.P. gas cooking is allowed.


Vendor List

Maximize your business’s exposure and attract more customers by upgrading your vendor listing. As a vendor, you have a basic listing live on the website, and now you can Enhance It! This is included in the contracted space cost and is no additional charge.

Within 24 hours, you will receive an automated email providing a link to elevate your listing. This link gives you the flexibility to make updates and changes to your listing as frequently as you like until one day after the show ends. Your listing will stay active for as long as you participate in the show.

If you have any questions regarding the online vendor listing or if you do not receive the email with the link, please email our digital coordinator at

For any assistance with your listing, please consult the FAQ section.

We believe this opportunity will greatly benefit your business and we are excited to assist in maximizing your presence at the show.

Learn more about the benefits of creating your enhanced listing.

Sales Tax

Be prepared to write three checks on Sunday evening for sales tax. This applies to all vendors who are selling a product during the show. This would mean that attendees would leave the show with the actual product. Applicable forms and envelopes will be available at the SHOW OFFICE. Please complete all forms and leave the envelopes in the show office by end of show Sunday. Marketplace Events is required by law to provide the Department of Revenue with a complete list of vendors.

  • State: 4% Alabama sales tax
  • County: 2% Jefferson County tax
  • City: 4% Birmingham city tax

Feel free to contact each department directly. Collectors will be on site on Sunday, November 9, 2025 to collect tax envelopes before show closes.


City of Birmingham Tax - 4% Titania Brown, 205-254-2198,
Jefferson County Tax - 2% Contact: Tracye Gaston, 205-731-2945,
Alabama State Tax - 4% Contact: Sheneka Hall, 205-733-2745 


Share your show pics or your holiday décor and celebrations with us.

Facebook icon   Instagram icon

Hashtags: #ChristmasVillageFestival

In efforts to protect potential joint customers from fraudulent events and scammers, we request that you do not create your own Facebook Event. This helps us manage ticket sales for the event, and ensures that our team are available to support both exhibitors and potential attendees with any questions, comments, or concerns that they have. Please feel free to reach out to your show manager or show marketing manager with your companies’ Facebook page and we can add you as a co-host to the official event.

Click Here for a short video on the 4 C's of Social Media.

COMING SOON! Click Here to go to our Facebook Event.



COMING SOON!  Click on the photos below to download the full-size image and upload to your social media, email blasts, and website to share where your company will be in November 2024!



As a part of your registration, you will receive 6 vendor badges. Two additional Vendor badges may be purchased anytime throughout the show for $15.00 each. Vendor badges for North Hall (downstairs) vendors may be picked up the Show Office during check-in on move-in days. Vendor badges for East Hall (upstairs) may be picked up at Will Call during check-in on move-in days. Any unclaimed or remaining badges needed after move-in can be obtained at the will call office. 




Vendor badges are NOT mailed out prior to the show. Complimentary plastic badge holders are provided. Vendor badges are required to identify you as an authorized Vendor. Vendors will not be allowed access to the show floor during show days without a badge.


The Sheraton Birmingham Hotel is connected via skywalk to the convention center. 

The rate has limited availability and is first come, first serve with limited availability. You can make your reservation online by clicking the link below.


You may call the Sheraton Birmingham Hotel at (205) 324-5000 as well. Please tell them you are with Christmas Village Festival.

Sheraton Logo


We strongly encourage all vendors to have quality insurance.  

Contracts include an Insurance clause under #5 on the Terms and Conditions page of all booth space contracts requiring insurance. You may use any insurance company for insurance, but it must meet the following requirements: 

  • Comprehensive General Liability and All Risk Property insurance
  • Coverage must be from the start of move in to the end of move out
  • Coverage of at least $1,000,000 for each separate occurrence
  • Name Marketplace Events LLC and the venue as additional insured
  • Provide a copy of the certificate of insurance (COI) to MPE if requested

Exhibitors may purchase event insurance through Risk Strategies Domestic Exhibitor Insurance. LINK TO SIGN UP WILL BE AVAILABLE IN SUMMER 2025.

Please note: 
Vendors will have to pick the show from a drop-down list that includes shows other than just those run by MPE. 
Marketplace Events is not selling this insurance and doesn’t profit from it in any way.  This is simply a resource for those vendors who don’t already have the required insurance coverage per their contracts. 


Show Management is insured against public liability and property damage claims arising out of the conduct of the show. This insurance does not cover exhibitors’ property, which is placed on display at the exhibitor’s risk.



Stephanie Davisson, Exhibit Sales Consultant
704.969.6817 |

Hannah Lewis, Operations Manager
704.969.6802 |

Jennifer Smetana, Show Manager
704.448.9422 |

MPE Exhibit/Product Acceptability Standards For 2024 (USA)

As we enter a highly volatile political environment in advance of the 2024 General Election, Marketplace Events (MPE) wants to make clear its position on what content will not be permitted on its exhibit floors in all its US consumer home and holiday shows effective January 1, 2024. MPE shows are welcoming environments built solely to encourage face-to-face commerce. Creating respectful, safe marketplaces where our attendees and exhibitors can come together to learn, shop, compare pricing and do business together is our highest priority.

MPE’s acceptability standards do not permit political candidates, parties or other groups promoting issues or ballot initiatives to participate as exhibitors. In addition, the display or sale of any products or services that are political/partisan in nature or that can be interpreted to promote, incite, or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual, or religious intolerance are prohibited. MPE’s judgment in applying these standards will be final.

MPE maintains these policies to ensure a welcoming environment for all attendees and exhibitors.  


There have been a number of spam emails offering our attendee lists. These are scams and the senders are unauthorized to use the Marketplace Events’ name. These scammers are attempting to receive monies from exhibiting companies without providing anything in return. These emails are not approved by Marketplace Events, and Marketplace Events would never ask for bank information or other sensitive information over email.  

CLICK HERE for more information.